Very wealthy people are very wealthy because they build residual income. They work very hard to build or develop systems that keeps bringing in money for years and years to come (Sometimes for generations).
What does this have to do with traffic$%:
It has a lot to do with traffic because all you've got is 24 hours daily. You can only work so long. So if you work so hard to get a result but have to do the same hard work all over again every time you want the result, you won't get the best you deserve.
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You'll do a whole lot better if you concentrate your effort on strategies that will keep bringing in traffic for a long time even if they involve a lot more work.
Take as an example, Google's AdWords or any other PPC for that matter. You can get 100,000 visitors in a day if you pay them and write good descriptions. It will involve a lot of work to get such volumes. However, what happens if you can't pay tomorrow$%: Your traffic dries up --That's monkey work if you ask me.
There used to be a time when I considered the PPC option a very great permanent traffic generation technique. That was when Google was not penalizing name squeeze pages (pages that are designed to capture emails). However, for now, I limit its use to getting attention and jump-starting my traffic campaign.
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When you have up to 30 high quality pages, you can then go to the popular PPC's (Google AdWords and Yahoo) but please, don't spend more than $200. You just want to get some attention. Don't spend more than $0.10 per click unless you have the bucks to handle a higher bid. The trick here is to get them to look at your site. Make sure your content is very high quality. I have found out that this has a way of making you get indexed and ranked faster for organic search than you would have been otherwise.
But that's it about spending out of the pocket for traffic.
Now make sure you build your site the way an orchard is grown (With great care -- a seedling at a time that will produce for years when mature) not like a corn field (mass production that will produce just once). Take your time to do each process correctly no matter how long it takes. Remember, you're doing something that will keep bringing results for months and, perhaps, years.
1) Don't compromise on your content -- Make it the best you can
2) Start submitting high quality articles (at least, 300 in three months to the top ten article directories for traffic. Submit to an additional 90 to build high quality incoming links (Avoid sites that have a page rank less than 4. They aren't worth much for your traffic drive).
If you don't know the top directories or those that have a page rank of four and above, there is an article submission tool that makes it slightly easier for you (It has over 900 article directories with their page ranks so you organize your submission).
But please, take note: It is not a set and forget tool. You'll "work it" all the way. However, it does take care of a few things. I use it just to organize (NOT automate) my submission process. Here is the link to the tool...
3) Keep adding fresh content at least once a week. Do it daily if you can. Make it every six hours if you want special results. But do not compromise the quality of your content for any reason.
4) Set up a blog: This requires you constantly add content. You have a useless blog if you post less than three times daily. Now, it doesn't have to be a long post. Here's a way to make it easier...
Set up your Google alert for your niche and make your comments on news and other niche-related issues on your blog. Tell them things that are relevant to your niche. The more interesting they are, the better.
5) Siteblog: By this I mean you should use tools that enable you to treat your entire website as a blog. The advantage is that in addition to getting the regular search engines crawling your site, you also get blog search engines. To make the most of this, however, you'll need to either add fresh content a few times daily.
To make your task easier, you can add comment-ability to your site. Let folks add their views to your articles. I know you must have seen stuff like that. They keep the spiders coming back if done rightly.
To do it rightly, make sure that you have control over what is posted.
Now, if you don't have comment-ability on your site, you can use forms to get people's views. The difference here is that you'll have to add their comments manually.
Now back to what we were saying. Make sure your traffic building efforts are concentrated on things that produce traffic for a long time after you've done it well.
Numbers add up very easily. If what you do each day counts for the next two years, you'll have the cumulative results of 365 X 2 = 730 days. To make the above clearer...
If you implement strategies that generate just 20 visits daily, you'll have 20 X 730 = 14,600 visits daily at the end of two years (That's 438,000 visits monthly). I hope this helps you get the right picture.